الرئيسية » مقالات » أقسام الكلية » هندسة تقنية الحاسبات |
What is a Computer?
• Hardware:- Pieces of equipment that make up a computer system. - These are the parts you can touch (although many parts are contained within the computer’s case). - Other parts/devices are connected to the computer (usually by leads/connectors). - These devices usually allow information (or data) to be entered (input) and retrieved (output). • Software:- The instructions that a computer follows (from computer programs / applications). - Operating systems, office programs and games are examples of software. - Software governs when and how various pieces of hardware can be put to a variety of uses. | |
هندسة تقنية الحاسبات |كتب من قبل: احمدعباس
| بتاريخ: 2012-04-25 |
مشاهده: 1577 | تعليقات: 1
| الترتيب: 0.0/0
مجموع المقالات: 1 | |
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